HalleToren Music – About Us

HalleToren Music has a message to share:

Hey Producers — We Get You. Seriously.

You’re short on time. The network wants more for less.

And you’ve been using the same cues from those “big” libraries over and over again.

When you hear a cue from your project on six other shows…well, it hurts you on the inside.

Sounding Fresh Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

At HalleToren Music, we count it as a badge of honor that we’re NOT one of the big guys.

Nope, our music is not on 496 different shows.

You won’t hear the same horror cue you just sound mixed on every other paranormal show on television. Or the same acoustic guitar strum from that cherished moment in your edit popping up in nine other projects this month.

So Take Advantage of Us — “The Little Guy”

It’s okay. We give you permission. Reach on out to learn more by contacting us today.

You’ll be surprised at what we can do together!